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DATE:  11.25.12 - 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

112512AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

A really wise man once said to a group of Preachers, he said men and women, if you will preach and teach from your weakness you will never run out of material. The truth be known, probably one of the greatest areas of weakness, which we are probably not aware of most of the time is comparing ourselves to others. This is a profoundly spiritual issue. We need to examine this issue hard. There is no win in comparison.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Quitter-4.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  11.18.12 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111812AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

The elections are over, the headlines are out, and everyone around you is saying that the world is falling apart. All the circumstances are telling you this has to be the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Or is it?

This isn’t the first time that the entire world seemed topsy-turvy. Do you remember the children of Israel? God’s children were placed into slavery and forced to serve the Egyptians. It was during this time that God did some the mightiest miracles ever recorded. We as the body of Christ do not be concerned with what is going to fall apart next. Instead we should be excited because the circumstances are perfect for Father God to once again do mighty miracles among us.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Gods-Divine-Filtering-System.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  11.18.12 - 8:45am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111812AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

If you are like most people chances are pretty good that you’ve battled one or many different fears throughout your life. So many of us, we are living in fear. What’s interesting, when we are growing up studies show that as babies we are really only afraid of two things naturally. We just have two fears, we have the fear of falling and we have the fear of loud noises. Those are the only two fears that we are born with. But when we grow, we collect all sorts of different learned fears.

If you know God and if you continue to seek Him, He will help sustain you; because if you truly know Him, guess what? You have nothing to fear, but a reverential fear and love for the One who created you, and the more you know and fear God in a holy way, the less you have to fear on this earth. Satan wants you to be in bondage to fear, and God wants to set you free. For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Quitter-3.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  11.11.12 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111112AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Would you agree that there are many killjoys in life? In a world where in the same week we can have Tornados in the mid-west and Hurricanes on America’s Coasts, and massive problems in the political arena, the world is in desperate need of massive doses of joy.

You need joy in your life. It is not just some casual thing that it would be nice to have. You have a fundamental emotional need for joy in your life. Life without joy is overwhelming. Life without joy is overburdened. Life without joy is oppressive.

For several weeks we have been in this series on “How God Meets Your Deepest Needs.” That includes your need for joy. This week we will discover what it takes to receive and maintain the joy in our life.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-God-Meets-Our-Deepest-Needs-5.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  11.11.12 - 8:45am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111112AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

How many of you know somebody who seems to complain all of the time? Would you raise your hands? You know somebody who is a big complainer. How many of you are that person? Raise your hand. Yeah, you’ll have something to complain about by the time this message is finished!

You see, this world is a crooked, perverse and self absorbed place. Most people only exist to serve themselves. Only concerned with their interests. Imaging a world, your workplace, your home, your friendships…Imagine what they would look like if we stopped complaining. People would be blown away and they would start to ask Why, Why and How are you so content? And we could answer that we know we are not the center of this universe and we actually TRUST God..

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Quitter-2.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  11.04.12 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

110412AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

This is the fourth message from our series titled, “How God Meets Our Deepest Needs,” and I want to talk to you about a desperate need and a misunderstanding.

We have a desperate need here to be loved. Desperately inside, we are screaming out “Love me.” Some of you may not want to admit it but it is a deep need to be loved. The misunderstanding that we have is that many of us do not fully understand that God’s love is personal for us. We have heard it before: God’s love is big. God’s love is universal. But is it personal? Does it have my name on it?

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a God in heaven who loves you and His love has your name on it. Whether you like it or not, whether you deserve it or not, He is crazy about you. These “Love masks” that you wear will fade away, but the Bible tells us that God’s love will last forever.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-God-Meets-Our-Deepest-Needs-4.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  11.04.12 - 8:45am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

110412AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

I’ve got really great news for a lot of you, and that is that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I believe with all of my heart that the next 30 minutes will be a life-changing 30 minutes for many, many, many of you. I really believe that, that what you we are going to experience from God’s Word; for so many of you, it will be a life-altering 30 minutes, that there will be parts of your life that will never, ever be the same, that you will follow even more fully what God has for you and you will look back and say that it was on this day that you heard from God and your life was totally moved in a new direction.

For many of you it will be life-altering and sadly, for many of you, you’ll have a whole list of excuses as to why not to apply this. That is our topic for today as we open up the series called, I Quit. I pray, that together we will all quit making excuses.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Quitter-1.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  10.21.12 - 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

102112AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Whether in our homes with our husbands, wives, partners, kids, our jobs…All these are opportunities to serve…They are opportunities live like Christ and to show this world what LOVE looks like. IT’s one thing to have bumper stickers and banners, and t-shirts… Its’ another thing to live a life of radical submission and service…

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-God-Meets-Our-Deepest-Needs-3.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  10.07.12 - 8:45am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

101412AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

We are made right with God by Faith not Works, Not our accomplishiments or rule keeping. No its by faith. We need to change our perspective and look at this relationship differently. We need to look at like God does. You see this relationship is not about what we do at all. It’s all about what he has already done.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-God-Meets-Our-Deepest-Needs-2.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  10.14.12 - 10:00am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

As we continue our series on “How God Meets Our Deepest Needs,” I want to talk today about “How God Heals Your Hidden Wounds.” Not the physical, but the hidden wounds. Hidden wounds are the memories that still hurt, those recollections from your past that when you think about those things they still cause pain in your life. Memories of abandonment. Some of you have memories of abuse. Some of you have memories of ridicule, severe criticism or hatred or prejudice that just tore you down – physical abuse, spiritual, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-God-Meets-Our-Deepest-Needs-2.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

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Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

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Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662