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DATE:  03.03.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

030313AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Americans are pros at performance and we know nothing about grace. The American work ethic says, “You get what you pay for. You get what you deserve.” That makes it very hard to relate to the fact that God is a gracious God. Psalm 86:15 says, “You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God.”

What does grace mean? Grace means that God wants to give me the desires of me Heart, not just what I need! His grace is unconditional, unlimited and unending, the Bible says.

This week we are going to continue our series and learn that we have a truly compassionate and gracious Heavenly Father.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-5.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.03.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

030313AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Paul writes this in Ephesians 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

In many of Paul’s letters in the New Testament emphasizes the first two; we are saved by grace through faith. James is going to come along and in chapter two he’s focusing more on the third area; the good works that we are supposed to do. I heard it put this way, “We’re saved by faith alone.” But faith is never alone. Faith always produces something in our lives. It produces good works.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-3.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  02.24.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

022413AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

We are in a series on “Getting to Know God,” what is He like, the attributes of God. Today I want us to look at what theologians call God’s immutability. That simply means God never changes. We have this statement in Malachi 3:6, “I the Lord do not change!” He is always the same. He always has been; He always will be. Because He is perfect, He can’t get better and He can’t get worse therefore, He will never change. Because we are imperfect we do change. Everything else in creation changes except God.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-4.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  02.24.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

All You Need Is Love #2: Don't Stop Believing from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Suffering levels the playing field for all of us. Nobody escapes pain and suffering. Wow what a great way to open up a sermon. I know this is a tough topic and its one of the reasons some people stay away from church and find it hard to trust God. They ask questions like, “HOW can a good God let suffering happen?” Suffering, or one of the realities, is that it’s really the shortest route to God. When everything falls apart, when you hit bottom, overnight, or in a moment, or in a phone call, truth is everybody experiences suffering.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-2.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  02.17.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

021713AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Today we are talking about is what theologians call the omnipotence of God. God is almighty. He has unlimited power. He never gets tired. He is never frustrated. Everything He does, He does easily. Nothing is ever too hard or difficult for God. It is easy for him to answer a prayer. It is just as easy for Him to create a universe. He is all-powerful. Luke 18:27 reminds us that, “All things are possible with God.” Today I want us to look at the Evidences of God’s power, the Application of God’s power in my life and the Appropriation of God’s power, in other words, how do I get God’s power in my life?

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-3.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  02.17.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

All You Need Is Love: God Is Love from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Today we are starting a brand new series called “all you need is love” a look at timeless truths through timeless tunes. We are going talk about God’s love. What it is, what it looks like.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-1.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  02.10.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

021013AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

This is the second message in the series that I have entitled, “Getting to Know God.” It is my great desire to let you know that you can have a very personal relationship with the God of glory. To better understand who God is, each week will be looking at a different attribute of the nature of God. God is present all around us but most people are totally unaware of it. So, how do you walk in the presence of the Lord?

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-2.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  02.10.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

John 3:17, February 10, 2012 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

It seems like everyone knows, John 3:16 even if you didn’t know it you probably saw it on a Tebow eye patch or a sign at a ballgame. It is a very familiar bible verse. But what about his brother John 3:17? John 3:16 and 17 expresses, it communicates, the core of the Christian message. That is ….. GOD LOVES YOU!

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-317.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  02.03.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

020313AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Today we are beginning a new series called “Getting to Know God.” That is, attributes of God – What is God really like? Child of God, God wants you to know Him. Why? Listen to this weeks message to find out the answer.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-1.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  02.03.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

020313AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

No one is a member of the body of Christ, the Church, because they deserve to be. None of us got God’s attention by our perfection because none of us are faultless. If you believe you’re perfect please don’t HANG with the rest of us because we’re MESSED UP. We’re PEOPLE saved by the grace of God and we’re very grateful for that – but we’re still not flawless.

The truth is – even the most mature among us still struggle with some things. We have general success facing our anxieties and temptations but we still have them. We’ve made progress but we still have issues and we still make mistakes. The good news is it is not about our ability to keep the rules or to get it right.

Freedom comes when we understand its not what we do, its what He’s done!

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-NEXT-5.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

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Service Times

Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

Contact Us

Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662