Sunday-AM-Sermons Archives - Page 27 of 38 - Mountain Grove Church | Page 27


DATE:  11.17.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111713AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Have you ever done something you wish you hadn’t? Have you ever acted in a certain way in front of a family member only to watch them shake their head and say “You are acting just like your…” dad, or uncle, or even your mother?
Have you ever wanted to get out from under some bondage in your life (drugs, alcohol, etc.) but gave up because you thought it was just in your “genes” to act that way?

I am 73 years old and for most of my life I have been trying to figure myself out. I have often wondered why I used to get so mad in certain situations. And even now I ask myself, “Why do I sometimes allow myself to get upset over things that really don’t matter?” Well, the truth is that there is something in me called DNA, a genetic code, and I have inherited a lot of things from my family.

My mother’s family was McNaughtons that came from Ireland. Most of my mom’s family were killed in gunfights, knife fights, automobile accidents, or killed someone else. In fact, my grnadfather had a gunfight with his own father and brother over where my great-grandmother was going to spend the night.

What does any of that have to do with me? You see, I didn’t ask to be hotheaded. It’s all part of my DNA – my natural birthright

But that is not the entire story, because the Bible tells us that God wants a family, and He created you to be a part of it. Being a part of God’s family was one of God’s purposes for your life. It was something He planned before you were born.
In fact, the entire Bible is the story of God building a family who will love Him, honor Him, and reign with Him forever.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  11.17.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

111713AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

The Holiday season is upon us.
Time for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and get-togethers.

You don’t have to admit whether you found the video funny or not, but the truth is we all have families and most of us only see the extended parts of those families once or twice a year. Now for some that is Not enough and for some twice a year may be about 2 too many..

Family get-togethers and holiday parties with coworkers have the potential bring about out the best and worst in All of us.

The truth about the holidays, the truth about these events is NOT that the people we love are weird or even irritating..

The truth is those people that Irritate you tell you as much about you as they do themselves….


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  11.10.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

111013AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Living through the most significant period of revival in Old Testament history, Jeremiah fully shared the spirit of reformation, which emerged during King Josiah’s reign. The reformation under Josiah during the last quarter of the seventh century B.C. called Judah to stand before Sinai once again. There the people were to hear and to reaffirm the covenant demands for contemporary living. To overestimate the impact of the reform movement associated with the book of Deuteronomy on Judah’s faith would be difficult. Jeremiah was a product and an advocate of reformation.

Jeremiah’s heart was broken as he looked throughout the land and saw that God has no place in the lives of the people.

The setting was simple: the people were still going through all of their religious rituals, but their so-called “worship” and their so-called “offerings” were not acceptable to God. What was their problem? Why is it that God refused to accept what they were offering? The answer was simple: they were not willing to allow God to make a difference in their every day activities.

The question that we must ask ourselves today is this: Are we, as Americans, offering to God that which is unacceptable to Him? What does God have to say to us today?


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  11.03.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

110313AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

I am convinced the world, by in large, has a false picture of God. And because of their false picture, they have been left with the impression that God is some tyrant sitting on some throne up in heaven, waiting to wale the daylights out of everyone who does something wrong!

Therefore, in today’s study I want us to realize that God is more than Law; He is also grace and glory! And our relationship to God is established not by an observance of Law, but by a commitment of life. And our measure of righteousness is not how well we keep the Law, but how right we are in our relationship with God!

To see these truths, look with me as we study “Silly People, Sissy Preachers, and God.”


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  11.03.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

110313AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

So many of us know family and friends who are neither alive nor dead..and last week we looked at a very important part of Christian History..

A letter written by Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus and in this letter Paul lays out the truth of our condition.. He says we if we are not followers then we are DEAD.. We were BORN DEAD… Now that doesn’t sit well with most of us.. Its not a feel good kind of message, but we have to embrace it or we can never be free, never be whole, never be ALIVE….That truth that we are the WALKING DEAD..
That IS kind of painful, We have the cure, we have the answer, we have a way to LIVE…..and move away from the Walking Dead to the Land of the LIVING.

Now this morning I want to share with you the secret to Living …..REALLY LIVING….maybe ….LIVING FOR THE FIRST TIME.

And I promise it is not what you think… Most of us would think that Living begins when we GET all we want….


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  10.27.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

102713AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

This is the fourth and last message in our series concerning Kingdom Living, and today we are going to look at a message that I have entitled “A Church on Fire.” The story that we have before us is one that most of us are very familiar with, and it concerns Moses and the burning bush. But, how does this story relate to us today?


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  10.27.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

102713AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

We are starting a brand new series called “The Walking Dead”.

So what is a Zombie….What are the Walking Dead?

Zombies are the Undead, they are Dead people Walking….Neither Alive or Dead….

So much of the world and the church is full of the walking dead, people who are living, but are spiritually dead. They walk the earth searching for anything and everything that will fill their spiritual bellies. Nothing will satisfy them and so they search and search. What they don’t realize is that the only thing that can satisfy their hunger for satisfaction is Christ.

Christ makes us alive!


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  10.20.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

102013AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

So many live in fear, or scream and shout and protest.. It’s as if the whole world is coming unglued and apart at the seams.

If you listen to the news there is a ton of uncertainty and it would seem no one really has any answers…

Uncertainty is nothing new. Times are uncertain, but God is not. He’s still got the whole world in his hands.


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  10.13.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

101313AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

This is the third is a series of messages entitled Kingdom Living.

There is a pasture in the kingdom of God that I shall like for us to become more acquainted with. And I believe that the evidences that we are seeing today in the body of Christ, that may be expressions of worship, and what we may call signs or even “strange things,” may be God trying to break through and press us into understanding the kingdom of God.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  10.13.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

101313AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Weird – Because Normal Isn’t Working

We are finishing up this series called WEIRD.. And the whole Idea is that NORMAL is NOT Working anymore.

Today we are going to talk about one of the WEIRDEST TOPICS in all of church and frankly our entire world… That is MONEY…


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

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Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

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Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662