Membership FAQs

Mountain Grove Needs People Just Like You!

Mountain Grove Church is a place for people like you! We are intentional about our focus of Loving God and Loving Others. Our purpose is: (1) Reaching the Lost; (2) Restoring the Wounded; and (3) Nurturing and Developing the Saints. This congregation is characterized by healing, restoration, and changed lives. What does it take to become a member of a church like this?—three simple steps:

1.Receive Christ as Lord (or come by statement of faith in Christ);
2.Attend STEP 1 (An Introduction to Loving God and Loving Others)
3.Be baptized by immersion (also a requirement for those who transfer by letter from a denomination that does not practice believer’s baptism by immersion).

Constituition and By-Laws

Voting Members

Votes on matters presented “before the church” are open to all currently active members-in-good-standing, (VOTING MEMBERS) That is, those individuals currently vested in our church and our direction. Business meetings are, of course, open to the general population. However, votes on substantive church matters will be restricted to only voting members.

We define a voting member as any person or persons, who has been regularly attending MGC throughout the past 6 months, or has actively supported the church financially during the same timeframe.

Baptism FAQs

Who Should be Baptized?
A Christian is a person who believes that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, salvation occurs only when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the only sufficient payment for his or her sin. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are ready to be baptized. Just like a bride and groom show others their love for one another by wearing wedding bands, your baptism is your opportunity to show others that you have accepted Christ and are now walking with Him.

What Does Baptism Symbolize?
Baptism is a way of showing others that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. It demonstrates what has taken place in your heart at the moment of salvation when Christ comes into your life. It symbolizes: your acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; your immediate sharing in His death and resurrection—illustrated by being immersed under the water (dead to our old life), and then re-emerging from the water (rising to new life in Christ); and your being symbolically washed clean—our sins have been forgiven by His death on the cross. Because Jesus instructed us to be baptized, baptism is an act of obedience. While it is not necessary for salvation, it demonstrates submission to God. We immerse at Mountain Grove Church because the Scriptures show that Jesus modeled this mode for us as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in Him.

What About Infant Christening
In some denominations, infant christening represents a decision made by parents that they are dedicating their child to Christ. In many ways, that’s the same reason we do baby dedications at Mountain Grove. It’s a very important time for parents to commit to raise their children in accordance with the teachings of Scripture. It is important to remember that whether you were christened as a baby or your parents participated in a baby dedication, that doesn’t make you a Christian. Only a personal acceptance of Christ’s death on the cross for your sins can do that. While we recognize the right of other churches to practice infant christening, we understand Scripture to teach that only professing believers qualify for baptism.

The Baptism Process
The baptism process at Mountain Grove has been designed to be both simple and meaningful. From the registration form to the baptism meeting, each step has been carefully planned with you in mind:

1.Complete the baptism registration. Once we receive your registration form, we will contact you to schedule your videotaping and baptism.
2.Read about making your video. We want you to be as comfortable and prepared for the video as possible.
3.Attend a meeting and film your testimony. After we receive your registration form, we’ll contact you and schedule you for an informational meeting where you’ll also have your testimony videotaped.
4.Get baptized! Baptisms take place during one of the Sunday morning services and includes a showing of your prerecorded video. You may request a specific baptism time (including a time.)

Your GOD Story (Making Your Baptism Video)
One of the most powerful aspects of baptism at Mountain Grove is the video testimony shown immediately prior to the person’s baptism. This video allows each person to share how Christ has been working in his/her life. Pre-recording allows them to do as many takes as necessary, while sharing the message they have thoughtfully and prayerfully prepared ahead of time. Many people ask, “Do I have to do the video?” The answer is, “You don’t have to; but we would like for you to share your amazing decision to receive Christ with the rest of our congregation so that they may rejoice with you.” That is, baptism is meant to be a public profession of faith and it is an incredible opportunity to share God’s message of redemption with countless numbers of people. Another important reason for using the videos is that we, as a congregation, grow in our faith by watching these life-changing stories. It allows friends, family, and even those you do not know, to celebrate the amazing transformation God has worked in your life.
Many are nervous about taping their stories; but we work hard to make the process both simple and fulfilling. The video will be taped on the day of the baptism meeting, which takes place a week or two before your baptism. We want baptism to be a meaningful and enjoyable experience and we look forward to walking with you through the process. If you have any questions or need help preparing your testimony, please contact Jeff Burkhimer 728-9557 ext. 22.

About MGC

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Service Times

Sunday AM: 10:30am
Wednesday PM: 7pm

Contact Us

Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
