Sunday AM Sermons

Dr. Clifton Black – Construction of Character – #2

012013AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

The fact is habits shape our lives. Why is it that some people are more effective than others? Why is it that some people accomplish more? Reach their goals? Soar to greater heights? Get more out of life than other people? Do they just get the “lucky breaks”? Are they just “in the right place at the right time”? Or is there something more? The answer is, effective people develop habits that ineffective people are unwilling to commit to. That’s the difference. Why is it that some Christians are more dynamic than other Christians? Why is it that some Christians seem to grow more, they seem to have more answered prayers, more of God’s blessing on their life. Why is it that God seems to single out some people and seems to be blessing their life more than others? The answer is the same commitment and habits. Effective Christians commit themselves to habits that ineffective Christians are unwilling to commit themselves to. Today we are going to look at three spiritual habits for effective people that I think are absolutely essential for spiritual health.

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