December 2013 - Mountain Grove Church

Monthly Archives: December 2013

DATE:  12.22.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

122213AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

O’ Come All Ye Faithful

We are looking at some familiar and not so familiar Christmas carols and learning the history behind the songs as well as looking at how their meaning can apply to us here in 2013.

“O Come All Ye Faithful” was originally written in Latin by John Wade, but was mercifully translated into English by the good reverend Fredrick Oakley in 1841. John Reading composed the music for the hymn in 1751 and we have it in its present form today.

O’ come all ye faithful… Ironically Jesus didn’t come for the Faithful He came for the Faith-Less. He came for the Broken, the Hurting, the Lost, the Sick, for People who were nothing like Him…

That is one of the great ironies about the life of Jesus, “people who were nothing like Jesus LIKED Jesus.” How strange, right. I mean most of us would assume that Jesus would be like Sin Repellant, people who were considered the worst of the worst should have been afraid to be in his presence right?

But the exact opposite was true. People who were considered the worst possible sinners were actually attracted and flocked to Jesus.


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  12.15.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

121513AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

This is our third message from our “Christ Series.” Last week the looked at how God intervened in Joseph and Mary’s lives and made a miracle out of what seemed like a really big mess. Today, I want to talk to about Joseph, the husband of Mary and the adopted father of Jesus.

It seems to me that we often overlook the fact that although God, in His sovereignty, chose Mary to be the one who would give birth to the Son of God, that He also in His mighty providence chose Joseph to be a father to Jesus and to raise Him into manhood. In other words, God chose both Mary and Joseph to be the parents of the Lord of glory.

It seems to me this great truth demonstrates for us the role of a father is a very important role in the life of the family. In other words, fathers are not only needed for the physical act of conceiving a child; God reminds us they are also needed for the spiritual act of raising a child. We know, of course, the child was conceived in the womb of Mary, “by the Holy Spirit” – a miracle took place so there was no need for a man to be involved in the conception. But God wants us to realize the importance of the father’s role when it comes to raising and developing a child into adulthood.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  12.15.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

121513AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Go Tell It on the Mountain

We are in week 3 of our series, Carols. WE are looking at some time honored and some obscure Christmas Carols and talking about the History behind them and what the message of each song has to say to us today…

Today we are talking about a particularly upbeat and personal favorite of mine. “Go Tell It On The Mountain” is one of a handful of Christmas carols that is extremely well known and born here in America.


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  12.08.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

120813AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

The most wonderful part of the Christmas story is the selection of humble Mary to become the mother of the Messiah. Christmas is often thought of in terms of emotional warmth, security, and the spirit of giving. Plays and movies condemn the “scrooge” in us and embrace the Christmas spirit, similar to a Christ-like harmony with those around us. Peace on earth is often magnified as well.

By in large, the Christmas spirit is accepted by Christians and non-Christians alike. Therefore, the average person, as well as Christians, is open to the mysterious and even the miraculous during Christmas. Although some people look for Santa Claus while others look for Christ, there is a feeling that miraculous changes can happen in our lives during this special season.

The story of the birth of Jesus can be a study of contrasts. After Mary’s acceptance of the promise of Jesus’ birth, everything becomes chaotic and her life becomes a mess. No doubt, Mary’s faith kept her moving forward in spite of the fact there was a miracle in her mess. In this respect, Mary is just like the rest of us. God has a purpose for us – something unique and special. Unfortunately, the mess surrounding the blessing (our miracle) often obscures it from our view.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  12.08.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

120813AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Gabriel’s Message

Today we are taking a look at Christmas Carol that is not so familiar and maybe you have never even heard of it…

It’s called Gabriel’s Message. It is a christmas folk carol about the Announcement to the Virgin Mary by The angel Gabriel about her giving birth to Jesus Christ the savior of the world. This song quotes Luke’s account of this event.


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  12.01.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

120113AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

As we begin our study in the life of Christ, let me tell you that although we will be using the Gospels as our ongoing text, they do not give us the life of Christ. They do not provide us with a detailed account of His life. The Gospels are not biographies of our Lord.

Matthew did not sit down to write a biography of the life of Christ, neither did Mark, Luke, nor John, and as a result you would not expect to find in any of the Gospels all of the events of His life.

In fact, John tells us in John 21:25, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which, if they
should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.”

What then do we have in the Gospels? We simply have four thematic accounts of the life of Christ. That is, you have four “snap-shots” from the life of Christ, with each of them from a different point-of-view, and with each of them developing a particular theme.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  12.01.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

120113AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Joy to the World

There is so much to love about Christmas—The lights, the trees, the decorations, family time, hopefully snow, presents— favorite TV classics like National Lampoon Christmas Vacation, Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street, Scrooge, Home Alone, and ELF….

Then there are the Carols.

The Christmas Carols we all know the ones that have stood the test of time.

We are starting a brand new Christmas series, called “Carols”.

We are taking a look at some of the most beloved Christmas Carols and some not so well know Carols. We are going to see what the writers of these carols had to say and what these lyrics may have for us today..


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  11.24.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

112413AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Even though Thanksgiving is about food for most Americans, it tends not to be a time for cooking adventures. Most of us tend to go for the tried and true when it comes to turkey and pumpkin pie. In fact, most of us know well in advance what to expect on the table Thanksgiving Day.

Today I want to put a new twist on an Old Testament story about food. Our text reveals the setting of today’s story comes out of the desert wanderings of God’s people. Now I realize that the wilderness and desert doesn’t sound much like a context for cooking. Therefore, it is necessary for us to use a little sanctified imagination as we talk about “Quail a la manna.” So lets get started with our Thanksgiving story.


Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  11.24.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

112413AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

The Holiday season is upon us.
Time for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and get-togethers.

Now last week we talked about understanding that these people are in our lives for a reason…and once we do we can began to accept the difficulty we face…

But what about the Anger, what about the Conflict….???? These are very real feelings…

When we are at these events or just in daily lives. We are faced with feelings of Anger… and that Anger can turn to conflict.
How do we handle the Anger? How do we handle the conflict?


Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  12.11.13 - 7:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Wednesday-PM-Sermons

Dr Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his extensive studying and knowledge of God’s Word. Join us this week as we continue our study of Deliverance from Demonic Oppression. Tonight we will study “How to Determine the Need for Deliverance”.


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Service Times

Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

Contact Us

Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662