July 2013 - Mountain Grove Church

Monthly Archives: July 2013

DATE:  07.21.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

072113AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Overcome the grip that inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy have on your life. Be set free by understanding your christian freedom.

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God. This week we continue our intensive study of our christian freedom.

I want you to understand what we mean when we speak of “Christian Freedom.” I mean release from the bondage from those things: attitudes, habits in your life, that are hindering you from becoming the person that God wants you to be and from achieving the things that God would have you to achieve.

If that is the case, then why have we been dealing with our sense of
inadequacy, insecurity, and inferiority? Because Proverbs 23:7 tells us “as (a man) thinks in his heart so is he.” The Bible is simply telling me that I will act according to the way I see myself, regardless of the way I am. And we can never change that until we change our attitude toward ourselves. Therefore, the way you and I see ourselves is the way we are going to respond to life!

Now listen to me carefully, if we are ever going to have the freedom to be what God has called us to be we must have our minds “reprogrammed” concerning the truths of the Word of God.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Christian-Freedom-3.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  07.21.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

072113AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Dispelling popular christian myths that believers tell as gospel truth

We are in week two of our series , Mythbusters. We are taking apart and looking at some of the lies and half-truths and ideas people have about God and how he operates. Like we said last week, if we are not careful these beliefs get into our minds and hearts and set us up for disappointment, disillusionment, and serious problems….

This week we are going to tackle another especially damaging and disarming myth. HONESTLY , this one makes me mad… It drives me nuts and it may seem like silly semantics to you but it really is important. Growing up I heard, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he does not exist”. And thats pretty big, because if he doesnt‘ exist then he can do whatever he likes and nobody will give him credit. Pretty ominous?

But what if the greatest trick or myth is not that He doesn’t exist…What if the greatest myth or lie is not that he doesn’t exist, but rather that the Church is a Place and not a people…

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Mythbusters-2.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  07.14.13 6:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Sunday PM Sermons

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God.
Tonight we will continue our study of the Book of John. Tonight we look at “God’s Gift & God’s Message”

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”John-5.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  07.14.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

071413AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Overcome the grip that inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy have on your life. Be set free by understanding your christian freedom.

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God. This week we begin a intensive study of our christian freedom.

I believe that if you will listen very carefully, and apply what you hear, that many of you, and so many of you who have been saved a long time, but have never really even begun to reach anywhere close to the joy in your Christian life, I believe this series of messages will set you free to enjoy your Christian life, maybe for the first time ever.

You and I are living in a rebellious age. An age, in our society, where everybody wants to be free. That is, we want no restraints, no limitations, no body telling us what we cannot do. Our theme song is “Don’t Fence Me In. Just let me wander where I want to wander, just doing what I want to do, with whom I want to do it, any time, any where, and under any condition.” And we want a life- style that is free, we want, not only no limitations and no restraints, we want no accountability, and we want no consequences.

But, friend, life is not that way! Because God says we are accountable to Him, and we are accountable to each other in certain areas. And so, there is no such thing as a life total, complete freedom.Because we are all either the slaves of our old flesh, which gets us in trouble, or we are slaves to the Lord

When I understand my position in Christ, when I understand my personage in Him, and when I understand my posessions in Him, and when I apply those truths to my life, I am on my way to my christian freedom!

Don’t let life keep beating you up, listen as Dr. Black helps you understand the truths of God’s word.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Christian-Freedom-2.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  07.14.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

071413AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Dispelling popular christian myths that believers tell as gospel truth

In 2002, Bill O’Reilly stated during an interview with a pastor “Jesus would have demanded that the homeless people shape themselves up or else, because, we all know the passage ‘The Lord helps those who help themselves.’”

This week we start our series, Mythbusters. We are looking at some popular christian myths that many church goers believe is gospel truth. Our topic for this week is “The Lord helps those who help themselves.”

Did you know that this statement isn’t found in the writings of Scripture. But it certainly sounds good doesn’t it? Let’s try and pick this idea apart and see where it started and why its so destructive.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Mythbusters-1.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  07.07.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

Overcome the grip that inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy have on your life. Be set free by understanding your christian freedom.

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God. This week we begin a intensive study of our christian freedom.

I want to share with you a series of biblical truths that literally changed my life and ministry – and that is the truths concerning our christian freedom as believers! I am absolutely and totally convinced this series of messages can be the most important studies that we will ever do.

You see, for many years my ministry was caught up in bondage and weakness — feeling of inferiority, that I wasn’t really worthy of anything from God; feelings of insecurity, that i felt that failure was just around the next corner; feelings of inadequacy, that I wasn’t quite able to perform up to expectancy.

And those three areas of bondage defeated me for years in my own Christian life.

I read the Bible, I prayed, I understood what it meant to give myself to the Lord, and yet, in spite of all of that, I knew something in my life was not right. Therefore, I confessed every known sin, and some things that I wasn’t even sure were sin. I just knew that surely God had something against me, and would probably kill me pretty soon if I did not find out what it was.

Don’t let life keep beating you up, listen as Dr. Black helps you understand the truths of God’s word.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Christian-Freedom-1.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  07.07.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

The Lone Ranger – Finding God in our every day lives through summers blockbuster movies.

In our series, At the Movies, we are looking at some of this summer’s blockbusters to see if we can find God in our everyday life. This week we will look at this summers blockbuster – “The Lone Ranger”.

So many superheroes wear masks or costumes to protect their true identity…Some are elaborate and some are pretty simple.. I mean batman has a full body suit complete with fake abs. Others wear suits and capes. Some are very simple… I think my favorite is superman… who is the most visible and famous superhero who only needs a little hair gel and a pair of black glasses to hide his identity… Either way these heroes wear masks….

The lone ranger is no different.. He wore a mask to protect his identity..

Now lets’s talk about masks for just a moment. Masks are a funny thing and they come in all shapes and sizes. There are masks for parties, masks, holidays, and masks for pretending.

But what about the masks we wear that you can’ t buy at the store, the masks we wear to prevent others from seeing the REAL us. They help us hide our feelings and personalities from every one.

What’s crazy is we wear these masks with each other and we even try to wear them around GOD.

One of the big problems with trying to hide our identity,is that we begin to take on the characteristics of the mask. In the mean time, we are losing the real us. The person that was fearfully and wonderfully made by our creator.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-The-Movies-4.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

Do you want to learn more about God’s word from Jeff Burkhimer? Find his messages and more here.

Are you interested in the NEXT service at Mountain Grove Church? Stay update by following us on Facebook.

DATE:  06.30.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God. Don’t miss this exciting study, “When Free Men Stand”.
One of the greatest, if not the greatest, blessings that we who live in America enjoy is the fact that we are free. Although we place a great value on our freedom many have a hard time defining what it actually is. Our American freedom is much, much more than just getting to choose whatever we want!
You see, our American freedoms were not born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776. Our freedoms date back to England. They have
their roots in Western Europe. They can be traced back further to Rome and then across the Mediterranean world to Athens, and from Athens up the Mediterranean seacoast to Jerusalem, and then southward to the Sinai Peninsula and to Mount Sinai itself.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-When-Free-Men-Stand.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

Want to hear other exciting messages by Dr. Clifton Black? Listen to more here.

DATE:  07.07.13 6:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Sunday PM Sermons

Dr. Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his years of extensive study and knowledge of the word of God.
Tonight we will continue our study of the Book of John. Tonight we look at “The Uplifted Christ”

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”John-4.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  07.03.13 - 7:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Wednesday-PM-Sermons

Dr Clifton Black provides sound biblical teaching through his extensive studying and knowledge of God’s Word. Join us this week and we continue our study of the book of Job.This week we continue with our study of the Book of Job. Tonight we will study “The Response to Loss”.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Job-2b.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

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Service Times

Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

Contact Us

Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662