March 2013 - Mountain Grove Church

Monthly Archives: March 2013

DATE:  03.20.13 - 7:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Wednesday-PM-Sermons

This week we conclude our study of the Book of Joshua. Tonight’s topic will be “Choose You This Day”.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Joshua-20.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.17.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

031713AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

One of the hardest things in the world is to ask for help. we want to believe the myth that we are self sufficient, self reliant and that we can do it ourselves.

All of us Need Help. We just don’t want to admit it. We either don’t want to slow down, don’t want to share because we are embarrassed about what we are facing. When we are broken, when life or something takes us places we didn’t really want to go then we are beyond our ability to handle what is happening around us.

This week we will understand where to look for the help we need.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-5.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

DATE:  03.17.13 6:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Sunday PM Sermons

In this weeks bible study, We will discuss one of the tactics that our enemy uses to discourage us in our walks as Christians.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Shadow-of-a-dog.mp3″ caption=”David Hennessee”]

DATE:  03.13.13 - 7:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Wednesday-PM-Sermons

This week we continue our study of the Book of Joshua. Tonight’s topic will be “Principles to Follow “.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Joshua-19.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.10.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

031013AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

For the last several weeks we have been in a series on getting to know God for that very reason. Many people reject God before they even know Him. We have looked at different attributes of God. Today we will conclude this series looking at the Love of God.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-6.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.10.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

031013AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Like it or not society places labels on people.  Whats worse is that sometimes we buy into the labels and we start to live in accordance with what those labels suggest. Its as if those labels become an identity…and we embrace the label.  Some of those labels can destroy a person.  Sometimes they are just annoying. How do we overcome those labels? Whose opinion really matters? Join us today as we seek to answer those questions.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-4.mp3″ caption=”Josh Clark”]

DATE:  03.10.13 6:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Sunday PM Sermons

In this weeks bible study, Dr. Black concludes the question and answer sessions concerning the book of Revelation and any other biblical topic.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Revelation-QA-5.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.06.13 - 7:00pm

CATEGORIES:  Wednesday-PM-Sermons

This week we continue our study of the Book of Joshua. Tonight’s topic will be “How to Deal With a Problem”.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”Joshua-18.mp3″ caption=”Dr Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.03.13 - 10:15 am

CATEGORIES:  Sunday-AM-Sermons

030313AM2 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Americans are pros at performance and we know nothing about grace. The American work ethic says, “You get what you pay for. You get what you deserve.” That makes it very hard to relate to the fact that God is a gracious God. Psalm 86:15 says, “You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God.”

What does grace mean? Grace means that God wants to give me the desires of me Heart, not just what I need! His grace is unconditional, unlimited and unending, the Bible says.

This week we are going to continue our series and learn that we have a truly compassionate and gracious Heavenly Father.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM2-Getting-To-Know-God-5.mp3″ caption=”Dr. Clifton Black”]

DATE:  03.03.13 - 9:01am

CATEGORIES:  Next ,Sunday-AM-Sermons

030313AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

Paul writes this in Ephesians 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

In many of Paul’s letters in the New Testament emphasizes the first two; we are saved by grace through faith. James is going to come along and in chapter two he’s focusing more on the third area; the good works that we are supposed to do. I heard it put this way, “We’re saved by faith alone.” But faith is never alone. Faith always produces something in our lives. It produces good works.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-All-You-Need-Is-Love-3.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

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Service Times

Sunday AM: 9:01am - 10:00am
Sunday PM: 6:00pm
Wednesday PM: 7:00pm

Contact Us

Mountain Grove Church
2485 Connelly Springs Rd
Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone:828.728.9557 Fax:828.728.8662