Sunday AM Sermons

Jeff Burkhimer – I Quit – Part 3

111812AM1 from Mountain Grove Church on Vimeo.

If you are like most people chances are pretty good that you’ve battled one or many different fears throughout your life. So many of us, we are living in fear. What’s interesting, when we are growing up studies show that as babies we are really only afraid of two things naturally. We just have two fears, we have the fear of falling and we have the fear of loud noises. Those are the only two fears that we are born with. But when we grow, we collect all sorts of different learned fears.

If you know God and if you continue to seek Him, He will help sustain you; because if you truly know Him, guess what? You have nothing to fear, but a reverential fear and love for the One who created you, and the more you know and fear God in a holy way, the less you have to fear on this earth. Satan wants you to be in bondage to fear, and God wants to set you free. For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind.

[mp3t play=”Play –  ” stop=”Stop –  ” track=”AM1-Quitter-3.mp3″ caption=”Jeff Burkhimer”]

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